Dear visitor,
If you are looking for a Full-Stack JavaScript Developer with 10+ years of expirence in web development and a tiny background in electronics, lets do a quick check:
- You want me to build and deploy SPA from scratch (db, backend and frontend) or some kind of telematic server for your devices/mobile apps.
- Work will be done remotely (mostly)
- It's OK if stack is similar to MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, NodeJS + React, Redux
- Other magic words are: Linux, Docker, Git, Webpack, ESLint, Babel, TypeScript, MUI, BlueprintJS, Redux-Saga, MapLibre, Leaflet, CSS modules, SCSS, WebSocket, JSON-RPC
- Zero support for outdated browsers
If mostly every fact is true, lets try to collaborate. Email me to
Best regards,
Pavel Kitian